新鲜 (1994)

  • 法国 美国
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  • 犯罪  惊悚
  • 片       名新鲜
  • 上映时间1994年04月01日(美国)
  • 导       演 布兹·雅金Boaz


  • Sam: Anything lost can be found again, except for time wasted. Sam: Your queen is just a pawn with some fancy moves, nothing more. Chuckie: I got the dope moves. Esteban: You got the what? Chuckie: I got the stupid juice, I bust the stupid moves. Fresh: Keep watch, nigger. Yell if you see someone. Chuckie: "Yell, nigger"? I'll smoke they-ass! Corky: [on the phone with Hector] He told you that... and you gave it to him? Oh no, no, no, I ain't mad. You just one stupid motherfucker and you ain't never gonna see a goddamn cent of my business, but I ain't mad. Yo, get fucked Hector! Darryl: James be running smack, Corky. He an H boy, it ain't our problem. Corky: Nigger cut into my part, know that shit is mine, then turn around and sell it without cutting me in? That shit is my problem! We gonna pay my problem a visit and solve it. Esteban: Where'd you come to find out about all these interesting developments? [no response] Esteban: Look, time is money and money is time little homey, and right now you are costing me a lot of both. Fresh: You gonna get mad. Esteban: Look, it would be very difficult to get me any madder than I am already. [shooting in the store, Fresh and Herbie are waiting outside in the car] Herbie: It's over right, shit, it's done right? Fresh: Look done to me. Jake: [shooting people at the playground, everybody starts running] Yeah, go ahead run motherfuckers, *run*! You punk pussy-ass motherfuckers. That's right, go tell somebody you saw something, I'll come back for all you monkey motherfuckers! You pussy-ass punks! Sam: Last game here I'm playing myself. Fresh: You're losing to yourself. Sam: Yeah, life's a bitch like that. Fresh: [to Chuckie] Goddamn, you must be the stupidest nigger I know. I don't know how you be tying your own goddamn shoelaces, as stupid as you is! Fresh: I ain't run no base for no Esteban. Corky: Oh no? Who was it for then, Santa Claus? [slaps Fresh] Corky: Who was it for? Fresh: He gonna kill me if I say. Corky: [Drops Fresh on the floor] I'm gonna ice you right now if you don't! Esteban: [after coming back from killing James] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • So you gonna tell me that he's lying about James too, right? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Nichole: I can see whoever I want. Esteban: No. Not exactly. Now you can see whoever you want, except for James. You can't see... you can't see him no more. Now maybe you can visit him in his new place of residence, but you know, I don't think he's going to be so much fun anymore. Esteban: [getting arrested after the cops found drugs under his mattress] You think I'm stupid enough to have two kilos lying around the fuckin' house? I've been set up, man! Corky: [to Fresh] Only reason you ain't the man is you still too goddamn little, but, when you get bigger, you gonna be the man. Jake: [to Red, about some guy who owes him 50 dollars] I'ma grease that motherfucker like Sunday bacon, you hear me motherfucker? I'ma go drop that motherfucker! I'ma *drop* him, man! I'ma go *drop* him! James: You Michael, huh? I guess you used up all the ugly in the family. Fresh: Why you don't go to Esteban then? Nichole: I don't like the way he looks at me. I don't need no spic pimp motherfucker looking at me like no fuckin' queen. I'm just a sorry-ass nigger whore. [Chillie counting packs of drugs, Fresh is in a hurry] Fresh: I gotta get to school, Chillie, I'm stupid late. It's gonna be my second late day this week. Miss Coleman is gonna kill me. Chillie: Don't worry, I'll write you a doctor's note. Jake: Kermit ain't showed up yet. Red: Yo man, let me tell you, that nigger set his watch for yesterday, the motherfucker still gonna be late. Fresh: Don't Aunt Frances think you ain't nothing. She think you're something. Nichole: Aunt Frances is a fuckin' saint. Aunt Frances loves every damn dog on the street the same as she loves me. Ain't no shit to be loved by no fuckin' saint. [playing cards, Corky turns to talk to Fresh, Darryl draws a card] Corky: What the fuck are you doing? Darryl: I was picking up. Corky: Don't do shit behind my back. Why the fuck you gonna be doing that? Darryl: Corky man, it was my turn, man, we just playing, it's just me, baby. Corky: I don't give a fuck who you is, be my mother, motherfucker, I don't play that shit! Darryl: Sorry, alright? Corky: Yeah, yeah, you be sorry. You do that shit, just do it in front of my face. [pause] Corky: Now, am I free to finish my little transaction here without every nigger be doing some shit behind my back? James: [to Fresh] You the little man running the street? Shit... Next thing I know niggers in diapers packing tec-9 and be trying to take over my business. Fresh: Mate in four. Chess Opponent: Fuck you. Ain't no mate in no four. Fuck you. Fresh: Would have been four if you were smart. Mate. Chillie: Looks like some kind of fuckin' war council or some shit. Esteban: It's gonna be the shortest fuckin' war anyone ever fought. Esteban: [to Herbie] Chill, homes, and take it easy on the gas or I'ma stop the fuckin' car and cut your fuckin' foot off, you hear me? [ring at the door] Esteban: What the fuck is this, grand central station? *Who the fuck is it*? Corky: [to Fresh] So I'm hearing, like all week I'm hearing your little friend talking you running base for Esteban. All over the motherfucking street, "We running that base for Esteban." [playing chess] Sam: [to Fresh] Good, it's better. Still gonna kick your ass, but it's better. Esteban: Yeah, I'm asking you a question, is she a freak? Fresh: Man, you're married. Esteban: I know you're just a kid Fresh, even though you're smart, so I let you talk to me like that just this one time, but you tell me! You better tell me who she's fucking with. Fresh: [to Hector] Corky losing crazy dollars, man, he needs the shit today. He sent for me to say he ain't gonna forget his friends that helped him when he was in trouble, and he ain't gonna forget who didn't. Corky: You know what this is? *Look at it!* What is it? Fresh: Look like base. Corky: That's right, little man. Five thousand dollars worth of pure base cocaine. You didn't even look to see what you was carrying, did you? You're just a little kid in way over his head, I know that. But Esteban gotta be sent a message about horning in on my business. [picks up a chain] Corky: I'm afraid you gonna have to be my little telegram. Fresh: It was fun, dad, stupid fun, you seen that nigger's face... Sam: Chess ain't fun, boy, how many times do I gotta tell you that? Don't you listen to a word I say? Fresh: Maybe if I seen you more... Sam: Well you don't, so you be well served to retain some of the knowledge I'm imparting to you, rather than giving me all this hard ass street attitude bullshit. Lt. Perez: [to Fresh] Alright man, you know and I know that I can't hold you here on this, so you either are innocent or you're hell of a lot smarter than you look. Esteban: What about your sister? Fresh: Promise you ain't gonna get ma... Esteban: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • No, I promise, you don't cut this shit out I'm gonna piss acid on your head, you fuckin' hear me? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [playing chess] Sam: [to Fresh] You're playing each piece like losing it hurts. This ain't checkers. You want my king, you got to come get my king. All these other pieces are just the means to do it. Hector's guy: Hey, what are you doing here? Fresh: I gotta see Hector. Hector's guy: Yeah I'm Hector, what the fuck do you want? Fresh: You ain't Hector, Hector is in that office back there. I got an appointment with Hector, not you big gorilla monkey ass. [cop finds a gun under the mattress] Esteban: *Whatda fuck*? Lt. Perez: You're under fuckin' arrest, that's whatda fuck. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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