狂野之河 (1994)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  惊悚  冒险
  • 片       名狂野之河
  • 上映时间1995年01月27日
  • 导       演 柯蒂斯·汉森
  • 又       名狂野之河 惊涛骇浪 狂野的河 疯狂的河流 The Riv...
  • 编       剧 Denis O'Ne...
  • 剧       情
    汤姆和盖尔夫妇感情疏远,为了弥合裂隙,他们决定带儿子罗克进行一次激流冒险旅行。途中他们遇到三个可疑的人,韦德、特里和弗兰克。后来做向导的弗兰克突然失踪了。韦德用一些小手段“笼络”住罗克,使罗克拿他当英雄一般崇拜,但汤姆和盖尔始终保持警惕。 事实上,韦德和特里是抢劫巨款潜逃的罪犯。...
  • 获       奖


  • Roarke: I thought you were a nice guy. Wade: I am a nice guy. Just a different kind of nice guy. Wade: I want to thank you, Tom. You saved my life. Tom: Uh - don't worry about it. Wade: You didn't have to hit me, though. Tom: ...Yes I did. Gail: Are you makin' a pass at me? Tom: I don't know, is that what it's called this far outside of Boston? Gail: This far *inside* of marriage, you mean. Tom: I think we're sufficiently alienated for this to qualify as a pass. Wade: I'm in charge now. I could bury you and Roarke tonight. I could do anything I want with you. Gail: Then go ahead. Don't keep telling me how tough you are, Wade, just show me. Wade: We never had nicknames where I came from. Certainly not "White Water." White trash, maybe. Policeman: What happened? Roarke: My mom got us down the river. Policeman: How about your dad? What did he do? Roarke: He saved our lives. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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