
战争 (1994) 6.4

The War

1995-12-04(西班牙)| 冒险 战争| 美国
上映时间:1995-12-04(西班牙) 类型: 冒险 战争
评分: 力荐



Lidia: War is like a big machine that no one really knows how to run and when it gets out of control it ends up destroying the things you thought you were fighting for, and a lot of other things you kinda forgot you had. Stephen: Boy, sometimes all it takes is a split second for you to do something you'll regret the whole rest of your life. Stu: For what? To get our hopes up? To promise us we was gunna have a big house with a tire swing, vanity, and a picket fence, and then just leave, again? What the hell kinda loused up angel is that? Lois: Don't you know nothing would have kept him from you. He's just gone home. Stu: We're his home ma. The stupid lord can have him later. Why? Why does he have to take evrything, bad enough our home and all our things. Why'd he have take my daddy? What did I do so wrong that he had to take my daddy? Lois: Oh no honey. Stu: He could've taken anyone Charles Manson super old people that already been rotten a hundred years. My daddy was only 34 years old.(looking up) I needed him more than you God, I needed him more. Stephen: You otta call um the Limpkickies. Stu: I like the Limpdickies. Billy Lipnicki: You know, I saw an angel... a real one... and he was holding on to my hand... and I was going to go live in his kingdom... but he said I must come back and take care of my daddy. Lidia: What are you thinking? Stu: If dad's watching... he can go now. Lidia: He is watching. Stu: Hey, why don't you leave him alone? Pick on somebody your own size. What's the matter, you guys afraid of a fair fight, one on one? Leo Lipnicki: Maybe you git a point. Ebb... Marsh: Stu... Stu... don't get yourself killed Stu. Lidia:


My name's Lidia Simmons, and I'm 12 years old, and these here are my memoirs. I can't really tell ya much about me, nor my life, without first telling ya 'bout my brother Stu. All spring Stu's being kinda quite. Perhaps it was because a couple months earlier our father gone out looking for work and never returned. It wasn't the first time dad went away. Ever since he'd come back from Vietnam things haven't been just right. Mom held two jobs just to make ins meat. And we were still dirt poor, like everybody else in Juliet Mississippi. But this June morning in 1970 was different. All the flowers were in bloom, and along with the color, and sweet smell of summer, our father had come home.


Mrs. Higgins: Simmons. Your house is on fire again. Mrs. Higgins: Think you can make anymore damn noise, what that damn car of yours? Stephen: Sorry, Mrs. Higgins. Mrs. Higgins: And stop trying to look through my dress, and see my nipples. Lidia: Anyone of you bring any money? Elvadine: All I got's 10 cent. Ula: Don't talk to me, don't look at me neither. Lidia: You didn't even go on into Lipnicki's property. I'm the one who got everything. And quit nigger-lippin' my smoke. Give it here. Elvadine: Excuuuuse me? What the hell you just say? Lidia: Give me my smoke. What? Elvadine: You know what. Girl, you'd better get outta my face. Lidia: You call your friends that. Elvadine: How I calls my kin ain't none of your business. Amber: Ooh-ooh, it's a fight! What'd I miss? Lidia: I'm sorry. Amber: What's she sorry fo'? Elvadine: I think you have somethin' that belongs to me - my mood ring. Lidia: Where's my pukka shell necklace? Elvadine: I'll see who gets it! Lidia: Look, I said I was sorry. Elvadine: My mama said I don't hafta hang out with nobody who degrades me that-a-way, even if they is my best girl. Elvadine: But I'm gonna let it go this time. But you're on probation, and don't think I'm gonna forget about it neither. Now put your eyes back in your head and let's go. Elvadine: Dang, girl, I risk my neck all mornin' for you dumb behind. You think I at least entitled to a five-second break or a puff off of your scag. Lidia: What do you mean, "riskin' your neck"? Elvadine: Well, what you call trompin' 'round in them crazy, gap-toothed, banjo-pickin' no-eyelid hillbilly yard stealin' all their junk. Daaaang! They ever do find out we robbed' em, I reckon they gonna whup my behind 'til it's flat as yours. Stephen: Well I don't want our kids growing up thinking there powerless because of me. Everything they do in this world has a consequence. Our children still believe in miracles. They still believe anything is possible. As long as they believe like that, they're gonna be something. They're gonna make a difference in the world... that means I made a difference. Amber: You guys wanted that up there, then why didn't ya ask me? Stu: Put that thing up there. Amber: That the way you ask me? Ain't you not heard the word please? Stu: Please? Amber: Move outta my way, lightweight.




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