
  • advertisement Randall Flagg: Pleased to meet you, Lloyd. Hope you guessed my name. Lloyd Henreid: Huh? Randall Flagg: Oh. Nothing. Just a little classical reference. Randall Flagg: Liars sit in chairs, you know. Truth tellers just sort of hunker down. Tom Cullen: M-O-O-N. That spells moon. Tom Cullen: M-O-O-N! That spells NEBRASKA! Tom Cullen: M-O-O-O-N, that spells "deaf and dumb". Nadine Cross: We... are... dead... and... this... is... Hell! Stu Redman: Country don't mean dumb. Sheriff Baker: When I was a boy, we killed ourselves a mountain lion up in the hills, gutted it, and dragged it back to town. What was left of that critter was the sorriest sight I ever seen. You the second sorriest, boy. Tom Cullen: M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen. Frannie Goldsmith: Are you the same Tom that Nick met in Oklahoma? Tom Cullen: Yes... no. I'm God's Tom. Larry Underwood: You're awful cute when you're angry, Stu. Trashcan Man: My life for you! Trashcan Man: My life for him. Yes. My life for him! Rat Man: The dude's crazy. Lloyd Henreid: Like we're not. Nadine Cross: Is everything all right? Harold Lauder: [has dynamite in his hand] No. If I had dropped this, you would be washing my guts out of your pretty white hair for the next two weeks! Nadine Cross: I'm sorry. [after being shot] Glen Bateman: It's okay Mr. Henreid, you don't know any better. Nadine Cross: I'll see you in hell, Randall, holding your baby in my arms. Randall Flagg: Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub. Harold Lauder: Nadine... we're damned. Nadine Cross: I waited so long. Randall Flagg: The waiting's over. Nadine Cross: I think you're right. The Big Apple is baked. Harold Lauder: Don't screw with my disco, Nadine! Larry Underwood: We have to get out of the city. It's not just the odds of getting shot. Do you know what it's going to smell like in two weeks? 5 million dead people rotting in the July sun. Larry Underwood: You have fun getting raped and murdered back on 7th Ave, sweetheart! Mother Abigail Freemantle: I hear you lord and I'm in the way of doing your will, but I don't much like it! Lloyd Henreid: If black powder were brains, that guy couldn't blow his nose. Glen Bateman: You're quite a piece of work Mr Cockroach. We could learn a lesson from you, especially in light of recent events. I have an idea come this time tomorrow I'll be gone, but you'll still be trucking, running little roach errands. Randall Flagg: [stomps on the roach] That's a wrap on the roach. Dr. Dietz: Patty Greer says you've been giving her trouble, she's quite upset. Stu Redman: Well that makes two of us, being hijacked by a bunch of government sons of bitches in space suites does that to me every time. "The Monster!" shouter: He's coming for YOU, Larry! The man with no face! Mother Abigail Freemantle: "Once in every generation, the plague shall fall among them." That's what it says in the Book. Seems like maybe you went a little too far this time, Stu Redman: Where's your buddy, Denninger? Dr. Dietz: [points a gun at Stu] Well, he's dead... They're all dead, everybody except for me and thee. Stu Redman: And you're here to take care of me. Is that it? Dr. Dietz: Hole in one! Stu Redman: Why? Dr. Dietz: Why? Because I've decided a piece of country fried crap like you doesn't deserve to live, not with so many good men dying. Stu Redman: Those "good men"... caused this mess! Stu Redman: I was faking. Mother Abigail Freemantle: I'm 106 years old, and I still makes my own bread. Larry Underwood: [his last words] Amazing grace... Randall Flagg: [seeing the dead rat under Lloyd's pillow] Bre'er Rat. How'd he taste? Nick Andros: [Standing up and walking through a cornfield] I can hear! I can talk! Rat Man: The Rat Man will forgive you this time! Randall Flagg: [threatening Dayna Jurgens] You tell me what I wanna know. Before I'm through with you, you'll BEG to tell me! Mother Abigail Freemantle: [her last words] Be true. STAND! Stu Redman: [on surprising Glen] I'm a friend. Glen Bateman: [eying Stu's M16] I certainly hope so. Stu Redman: [holding up the gun] Think of it as home defense... while on the road. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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