霹雳神偷 (1993)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  犯罪  惊悚
  • 片       名霹雳神偷
  • 上映时间1993年12月17日
  • 导       演 拉塞尔·莫克利
  • 剧       情
    职业偷窃高手凯伦在一次行动中被捕入狱。出狱后,贼阿巴即找她合作,计划爆破国家银行,盗取保险库中的巨款。同时,贼阿巴又找来另一偷窃高手J.L.,一切部署完成后,两人旋即以熟练技巧打开保险库,当他们看到花花绿绿的银纸后,立即作出决定。 ========================...


  • [J.T. Barker comes out of the bank and is questioned what he was doing in there. He said he was closing up his account] Bad Guy: What the hell are you gonna do with a 152 dollars? We're taking 18 God damn million dollars out of here on Thursday! J.T. Barker: I know that. I just don't wanna split *my* 152 dollars 4 ways... [Karen McCoy tries to fire the gun in a gunfight] Karen McCoy: You didn't load the gun? J.T. Barker: You told me to buy it, not to load it. J.T. Barker: Do you think that jerk Roy do a better job raising your boy than you? Karen McCoy: At least Roy is his father. At least he has a chance of a normal life with him... J.T. Barker: Normal? What's not normal about getting on an airplane with your mam and go down to Rio with 3 million bucks? J.T. Barker: How many of these creeps have you got in your life? J.T. Barker: That's right she's your mama. You're her son. We're rich. Let's go to Rio. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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