
  • John Connor: The Japanese have a saying, "Fix the problem, not the blame." Find out what's fucked up and fix it. Nobody gets blamed. We're always after who fucked up. Their way is better. Web Smith: Tough neighborhoods are America's last advantage. Web Smith: We're the good guys. Why are we running? John Connor: We're not running. We're eluding. Cop: Hey Graham, you want some sushi? Tom Graham: No thanks. If I get a craving for mercury, I'll eat a thermometer. Phillips: Must be nice to fuck a lawyer, instead of always being fucked by one. John Connor: Do you know what's true? When something sounds too good to be true, then it's not true. Web Smith: Look, "sempai," apple pie, whatever it is you want me to call you, we have a murder here. I wanna solve it. I don't wanna hear true confessions, awright? Web Smith: Where are you from, "sempai"? Scotland Yard? John Connor: Scotland Backyard. John Connor: We're playing that most American of games. Web Smith: Which is what? John Connor: Catch-up. Jeff: You should know, I'm a black belt. John Connor: But of course you are dear. Bob Richmond: Hey! Hey, you! Quit loafing! Get the senator's car! What do you think we're doing? Web Smith: No, you get the senator's car! Wrong guy, wrong fucking century! Penguin looking mother fucker! John Connor: They say if you resort to violence, then you've already lost. John Connor: We may come from a fragmented MTV rap video culture, but they do not. John Connor: Is that your theory? Tom Graham: My theory? My theory is that these guys are known world class perversion freaks. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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