
  • Darnell Jefferson: Darnell Jefferson, tailback. Ray Griffen: Ray Griffen, *starting* tailback. Darnell Jefferson: I know, that's why they recruited me. Alvin Mack: Let's open up a can of kick ass and kill 'em all, let the paramedics sort 'em out. Joe Kane: Let's put the women and children to bed and go lookin' for dinner! Steve Lattimer: Staring defense! Place at the table! [smashes head through car window] Alvin Mack: Hey Bud is it true, Joe's out four fuckin' games? Bud-Lite Kaminski: Yea. Alvin Mack: Shit, defense is gonna have to pitch shut-outs now... [to Lattimer] Alvin Mack: And you're gone for three? What the hell did you take that shit for? Steve Lattimer: Nobody seemed to mind when I was laying people out! Alvin Mack: Sh*t, I bust chops too, you don't see me all fu**ed up! Steve Lattimer: Not everybody has your ability Alvin, you do what you do to play! Alvin Mack: Well you ain't playin much now are ya? Alvin Mack: All you need to know is how to sign an NFL contract... period. Darnell Jefferson: I know man but I promised the Rev. I'd get a degree, I don't wanna let him down. Alvin Mack: Whatchu think nigga... you gonna be on the supreme court? Steve Lattimer: I don't know, its the battle, the going to war with the other guys, hanging together, having our own dorm, staying in hotels the night before the games, setting ourselves apart, being different than everybody else, having a chance to be somebody, to do something that people look up to you for, your strength, your courage, not everybody can play football... were the lucky ones Coach Winters: We gotta ring that bell! We gotta to ring that championship bell! Steve Lattimer: Ding motherfu**ing dong! Regent Chairman: This is not a football vocational school. It's an institute for higher learning. Coach Winters: Yeah, but when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment? Why don't you stick the bow-tie up your ass? Darnell Jefferson: Yo, motherfucker! You missed that block on purpose! Ray Griffen: Hey, *you're* the one who fumbled! Don't blame me! Darnell Jefferson: This is about Autumn, isn't it? Ray Griffen: Hey, *fuck* Autumn and *fuck* you! You just can't take a hint, can you *punk*? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 66 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [throws water in his face on "punk", and Darnell starts a fight with him] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • c91 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Alvin Mack: Hey 23, don't think I don't recognize you, you poo-butt motherfucker! Hey pay attention when I'm talking to you nigger! Mississippi Tailback: What? Alvin Mack: You're the guy who shot my mother aren't you? Mississippi Tailback: Shut up man, you know I never knew your mother. Alvin Mack: You were trying to steal her car, you cocksucker. You didn't think I was going to find you nigger, but I got you now nigger. I'm gonna bust your gut open and watch you die! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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