乐韵情缘 (1992)

  • 美国
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  • 爱情  音乐
  • 又       名乐韵情缘 Pure Country
  • 编       剧 Rex McGee
  • 剧       情
    Dusty Chandler (Strait) is a super star in the country music world, but his shows have the style of a '70s rock concert. One day he takes a ...


  • Lula Rogers: If is wasn't for me, you would probably still be singing in some run-down rat hole for a bunch of fat cowgirls from Iowa. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Yeah, and if it wasn't for me, you would probably be a waitress there. Ernest Tucker: The funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken shit. That little white speck is chicken shit too. Earl Blackstock: You know, Grandma Ivy, in all the years I've know you I don't think you've ever answered a question directly. Grandma Ivy Chandler: There are no answers. Only the search. Earl Blackstock: Yeah... Grandma Ivy Chandler: Well, sometimes the tree grows too fast and the roots don't develop. And sometimes you have to chop off the top of that tree to let the roots catch up. Earl Blackstock: But do you know where he's at? Grandma Ivy Chandler: No, but I expect if you follow the roots, you'll find him. Earl Blackstock: Grandma Ivy, in all the years I've known you I've never heard you answer a question directly. Grandma Ivy Chandler: There are no answers. Only the search. Earl Blackstock: Yup, whatever that means. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Man, I should've known you'd find me. How'd you do it? Earl Blackstock: Oh, something to do with trees and roots. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Grandma Ivy. Lula Rogers: [Earl is leaning against the back of Dusty's tour bus, breathing in the exhaust fumes] Earl, *what* are you doing? Earl Blackstock: Just tryin' to feel like I was back in California. Waitress: [to Dusty, who has just walked in clean-shaven and with a haircut] Hey you. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: [guarded... thinking he's been found] Hello. Waitress: Haven't seen you around before. [Dusty doesn't answer] Waitress: You new? Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Yeah. [more relaxed knowing the waitress doesn't recognize him] Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Brand new. Waitress: Well, welcome. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: [smiles] Well, thanks. Ernest Tucker: Yeah, I can't blame you for keepin' quiet. Hard to get a word in edgewise with those three. Dusty Wyatt Chandler: Yes, sir. Ernest Tucker: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • People talk too damn much for my taste. Yappin' about this or that, when he ought to be eatin', workin', or sleepin'. We know Harley was out late last night. We know she was a little slow on her ride, I mean, that's no front page news! So why talk about it? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dusty Wyatt Chandler: I guess I see what you're saying. Ernest Tucker: You GUESS? NEVER guess. I mean, you gotta KNOW what you're doing! Otherwise, you leave yourself wide open to suggestion. And that, to my mind is the problem with this whole damn country. [pounds on table] Ernest Tucker: Everybody's open to suggestion! Hmph! [gets up and puts his hat on] Ernest Tucker: Well, you comin', or you just gonna sit there? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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