一个小子七百五 (1990)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名一个小子七百五
  • 上映时间1990年02月23日(美国)
  • 导       演 约翰·伯尔曼


  • Stewart McBain: Harry, your loyalty was an accusation. Blame someone else. Shitty: At my age, I need an hour in the bathroom in the morning! And there's always one of them skinny, titless mannequins in there fluffing up her hair. Jimmy: You never said we'd have Bang-fucking-kok in the hallway! Lionel: That's an unprovoked racist slur. Porna: Excuse me, we are from Bom-fucking-bay! Jimmy: We're broke, we're desperate, we're hopeless... The fag doesn't pay, the Shit doesn't pay... Chloe McBain: Don't call him "the fag!" Daphne McBain: Don't call him "the Shit!" Shitty: At least I'm "the Shit." You're just A shit. Stewart McBain: My Heart? Home is where the heart is, and I've lost my home. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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