
  • Dr. Diane Norris: Eat this, you big sack of fish shit! Snyder: Okay, boys and girls, don't try this at home. Dr. John Van Gelder: It'll go supercritical soon. Scarpelli: What happens when it goes supercritical? Dr. John Van Gelder: It'll explode. James 'Jim' Richardson: Welcome to ground zero. James 'Jim' Richardson: Well, at least Snyder will get his name in the Guinness book of records. I mean, causing two nuclear explosions in one afternoon has to be some sort of record. Snyder: I did everything by the book, I followed my orders. Dr. Diane Norris: Get my kit. McBride: I'm going to kill that son of a bitch Snyder. Dr. Diane Norris: He's already dead. McBride: The US Navy. It's not just a job, it's an adventure! Captain Phillip Laidlaw: [while encoutering the beast] Look at that mother Captain Phillip Laidlaw: Get out of here save yourselves Osborne: [His last lines] I don't see anything... wait a minute... [On seeing the creature] Osborne: Holy shit... I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT... LOOK AT THE FUCKING SIZE OF THAT THING OH MY GOD... GOD John 'Johnny' Hodges: [His last lines] Shut up and get the hell out of here... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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