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The Women of Brewster Place

The Women of Brewster Place (1989) 6.9

1989-03-19(美国)| 美国
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1989年)   提名:2
评分: 力荐

Based on the novel by Gloria Naylor, in which a group of strong-willed women who live in the same rundown housing project located on Brewste...更多>


Etta Mae: [re babies] All yours. Built-in heartache for the next twenty years! Mattie Michael: [reprovingly] Etta... Etta Mae: Now me, when I want ready-made trouble, I dig up a handsome man. No diapers to change, and I walk when I'm ready. Mattie Michael: If you had batted your eyelashes any faster, we'd have had a dust storm up in there. Mattie Michael: [Etta Mae flirtatiously accepts an invitation to dance] Woman, you better stay here and act your age. Etta Mae: Ooh, I'm acting it. 35! Mattie Michael: Hm! You've got regrets older than that.

The Women of Brewster Place

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