Goodnight, Sweet Marilyn (1989)

  • 美国
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  • 传记
Goodnight, Sweet Marilyn
  • 片       名Goodnight, Swee...
  • 导       演 Larry Buch...
  • 又       名Goodnight, Sweet Marilyn
  • 编       剧 Larry Buch...


  • Gladys Baker: The tomcats are after you! That's how it is, baby! Ralph Johnson: She had kind of a *homey* quality. Medical Doctor: You know, when we're through here, drowning might be an option. Psychiatrist: You always relied on the kindness of powerful men, *didn't* you? Norma Jean Baker: Maybe I don't have much to offer, but I've got something, and it's something men want, and I'm willing to give it to them, as long as they give me what I want. Marilyn Monroe: Do they have cameras in heaven? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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