
暴劫梨花 (1988) 5.9

The Accused 更多片名>

1988-10-14(美国)| 惊悚| 美国 加拿大|1小时51分钟
上映时间:1988-10-14(美国) 类型: 惊悚 时长:1小时51分钟
国家/地区:美国 加拿大 
制作/发行:美国派拉蒙影片公司 / 派拉蒙家庭视频公司
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1989年第61届) 获奖:2  提名:1
评分: 力荐

版本一: 莎拉(朱迪·福斯特饰)到酒吧去找朋友莎莉,结果她在酒吧后的游乐间翩然起舞,引起一群男子的侧目,并当众遭到强暴,其余男子则是在一旁鼓噪起哄,并未伸手给与协助。身心受创的莎拉,事后到法庭控诉,并由检察官凯西(凯莉咪吉莉丝 饰)代为辩护,不料,没人愿意出庭作证,连好...更多>





Sarah Tobias:

What the hell are you talking about? You saw me at the hospital, what you think I asked for that? Is that what you think? If that's what you think then you get the fuck out of my house!

Kathryn Murphy:

This is what the jury is going to see. And they are going to see the girl too and you can't tell it from these. But she's tiny. She's the most defenceless looking thing you you ever saw.

Sarah Tobias:

You don't understand how I feel! I'm standing there with my pants down and my crotch hung out for the world to see and three guys are sticking it to me, a bunch of other guys are yelling and clapping and you're standing there telling me that that's the best you can do. Well, if that's the best you could do, then your best sucks! Now, I don't know what you got for selling me out, but I sure as shit hope it was worth it!

Sarah Tobias:


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