
  • Rupert Marshetta: "You hid the money in the Port-a-Johnny!" Gary Marshetta: "You know those things are damn near indestructable. Come nuclear holocaust, there will be two things left in this world... cockroaches, and god damned portable shithouses!" Jack Sike: I vote no. Rupert Marshetta: You don't vote in my revolution. Rupert Marshetta: I used to be a prince. Gary Marshetta: Your oldest son is half an hour late. Pam Marshetta: He was three weeks late being born. Gary Marshetta: I didn't think it was funny then, either. Carla Headlee: You are like some stray dog I never should have fed. Leslie: Rupert Marshetta, where have you been all year? Rupert: The Bahamas, what does it look like? Leslie: Well, you can't come in here unless you're dressed from Dallas or Dynasty. Rupert Marshetta: We offend the common rabble with our truth. Carla Headlee: Most of the time you're in a fantasy world, Rupert. Rupert Marshetta: Most of the time, you're stoned. Carla Headlee: I got my reasons. Rupert Marshetta: Name twelve. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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