晚安,母亲 (1986)

  • 美国
  • 片       名晚安,母亲
  • 上映时间1986年09月05日
  • 导       演 Tom Moore
  • 又       名晚安,母亲 'night, Mother
  • 编       剧 Marsha Nor...
  • 剧       情


  • Jessie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mama, I know you used to ride the bus. Riding the bus, and it's hot and bumpy and crowded and too noisy, and more than anything else in the world, you wanna get off. And the only reason in the world you don't get off is it's still fifty blocks from where you're going. Well, I can get off right now if I want to. Because even if I ride fifty more years and get off then, it's still the same place when I step down to it. Whenever I feel like it, I can get off. Whenever I've had enough, it's my stop. I've had enough. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jessie: Did you love Daddy? Thelma: No. Jessie: I didn't think so. Thelma: Well, you were right. Are you happy? Jessie: It feels good to be right. So, you didn't ever love him or something happened and you stopped loving him? Thelma: I don't know. He said he wanted a simple country woman and that's what he married. Then he held it against me for the rest of his life, like I was supposed to change and surprise him somehow. Why should I? Because he said to? Because you said to? Thelma: We're just gonna sit around like every other night in the world, and then you're gonna kill yourself? You'll miss! You'll wind up a vegetable! How'd you like that? You know what the doctor said about getting excited. You'll cock the pistol and have a fit! Jessie: I think I can kill myself, Mama. Thanks. Thelma: It's a sin! You'll go to Hell! Jessie: Jesus was a suicide if you ask me. Thelma: You'll go to Hell just for saying that, Jessie! Jessie: You know I thought that. Thelma: People don't kill themselves, Jessie. It's doesn't make sense, unless you're retarded or deranged, and you're as normal as they come, Jessie, for the most part. We're all afraid to die. Jessie: I'm not, Mama. It's exactly what I want. It's dark and quiet. Thelma: So's the backyard, Jessie. Jessie: So quiet, I don't know it's quiet, so nobody can get me. Thelma: Dead might not be quiet at all, Jessie. What if it's like an alarm clock, and you can't wake up, so you can't shut it off... ever! Jessie: Dead is everbody and everything I ever knew, gone. Dead is dead quiet. Jessie: 'night, Mother. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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