The Brother from Another Planet (1984)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  科幻
The Brother from Another Planet
  • 片       名The Brother fro...
  • 上映时间1984年09月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 约翰·塞莱斯
  • 又       名The Brother from Another Pla...
  • 编       剧 约翰·塞莱斯


  • Fly: (about Harlem) I'd rather be a cockroach on a baseboard up here than the Emperor of Mississippi. Card Trickster: I have another magic trick for you. Wanna see me make all the white people disappear? Subway Public Address Announcer: 59th Street Columbus Circle, 125th Street next This a Uptown A Express going to (all the white people begin exiting the car) Change for the double A Local across the platform. The D. Or the upper level change for the number 1 Broadway trains. Card Trickster: See what I tell you? Subway Public Address Announcer: Uptown A, 125th street next. Man In Black: [sitting at the bar] Beer. Odell: What kind? Man In Black: Draft. Man In Black: On the rocks. Sam: [talking about The Brother] What am I supposed to do? Fly: You the city, Sam. Figure out where to put him. Sam: Men's shelter. Smokey: Too Smelly. Sam: Ok. The Hilton. You got the tab? Smokey: What they pay you for? Sam: I just make phone calls. You want him out, you could call the cops. Fly: Cops? Oh, man. Smokey: He knew the death seat when he sat down on it. Sam: It's not like I got to drum up more business for the city, you know? Man In Black: [putting money on the bar after the Men in Black drink their two beers] Keep the change, sport. Odell: [crossing arms, looking exasperated] That's $2, man. Man In Black: [putting more money on the bar] We'll be back. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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