
东游记 (1983) 5.1

High Road to China

1983-03-18(美国)| 冒险 爱情| 南斯拉夫 美国
上映时间:1983-03-18(美国) 类型: 冒险 爱情
国家/地区:南斯拉夫 美国 
评分: 力荐

A biplane pilot is saddled with a spoiled industrialist's daughter on a search for her missing father through Asia that eventually involves ...更多>


Zura: The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient.


Evie: Which one of you boys would like the honour of loaning me an airplane. RAF Officer: The RAF would be proud to loan Miss Tozer an aircraft. Evie: [Blows him a kiss] I'll have it back in two weeks! RAF Officer: Oh wait a minute, I thought you meant just for the night. Sorry. [Silence] Evie: Anyone Else? [Pause] Evie: No more heroes? So long boys. Patrick O' Malley: You wrecked my plane! Eve "Evie" Tozer: It was always a wreck! Suleman Khan: You will be my welcome guests for dinner Struts: Is he going to eat us or feed us? Patrick O' Malley: Look at my Dorothy!


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