Class of 1984 (1982)

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  • 犯罪  惊悚
  • 片       名Class of 1984
  • 上映时间1982年09月29日
  • 导       演 马克·莱斯特
  • 剧       情
    Andy is a new teacher and an inner city high school that is like nothing he has ever seen before. The students have to go through a metal de...


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  • Peter Stegman: Life is pain. Pain is everything. Terry Corrigan: I'll bet I know who you are. You're Mr. Goldstein's replacement. Terry Corrigan, biology. Andrew Norris: Andy Norris, music. What's the gun for? Terry Corrigan: Where have you been teaching lately? Andrew Norris: Lately? Nowhere. Terry Corrigan: It figures. Deneen: You jerks don't belong here. Peter Stegman: Shut your hole, you little dyke! Peter Stegman: Face the music... teacher teacher. Andrew Norris: Wait a minute, you're in this class. Sit down. Peter Stegman: [gives him the finger] Sit on this, motherfucker. Andrew Norris: What's the matter with you? Peter Stegman: What's the matter with you? What's the matter with me? What's the matter with matter? Peter Stegman: I've had it with you, Leroy. I mean, uh, enough is enough. Leroy: Hey, man, listen... I didn't do nothin' man. Peter Stegman: What the fuck... you think I was born yesterday? Leroy: Hey, man... what's goin' on here? Peter Stegman: [brutally beating him] We're the only niggers that sell shit in this school. Joo Joo: I'ma gonna kill yo', sucka! No one messes around wit' my man, Leroy. I'm gonna cut you, white-meat. Peter Stegman: Cut this! [a gang battle ensues] Peter Stegman: [after playing a piano concerto] Do I get the gig, teacher? Andrew Norris: Where'd you learn how to play that? Peter Stegman: Do I get the fuckin' gig? Andrew Norris: No. Maybe I'll give you a shot when you grow up, now get out. Peter Stegman: Stegman doesn't play in anybody's asshole band, anyway. Peter Stegman: When it comes to killin', teacher teacher's just got too much to lose... otherwise, you coulda done me right. Like this! [busts his head open against a mirror] Peter Stegman: I am the future! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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