Miss All-American Beauty (1982)

  • 美国
  • 片       名Miss All-Americ...
  • 上映时间1982年12月27日
  • 导       演 Gus Trikon...


  • Sally Butterfield: I kept telling myself that it was just an accident, that I got into this whole thing... that all I wanted was the scholarship - but I knew all the long it was more than that. I wanted to be loved; I wanted to feel so special that I wouldn't have to wonder who I was any more. I could be a real somebody and then that would be who I was. But I gave myself away - I gave a little piece of myself away to everyone I meet so they'd adore me, but it wasn't me who they adored. They didn't know me. They didn't want to know me. They wanted something else - something I couldn't give them. George Butterfield: Hon, you're their symbol. If they can watch you getting all that attention, then they can feel like that's them up there. Sally Butterfield: Yeah, but it's never enough. They always want more. George Butterfield: That's the trouble - it's never enough. If you keep looking for approval from the outside, you're not listening to the inside. You have to know how lovable and wonderful you are right now, exactly the way your are. [first lines] [Buzz and Petey awaken Sally wearing their mother's evening dresses] Buzz Butterfield, Petey Butterfield: Good morning, your highness, good morning / Your runner-ups come in dismay / Although you're quite hideous / You can't get rid of us / We'll haunt you to your dying day. Marjorie Butterfield: Buzzy Butterfield, is that my good green dress that you're wearin'? Now you take that off immediately... Well, not in here! This is a house full of lunatics! George, will you please do something. George Butterfield: Leave your mother's good things alone, Buzz. Go get a simple house dress or something. Avery McPherson: Sally, you are a queen among queens! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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