布朗克斯,阿帕奇要塞 (1981)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪
  • 片       名布朗克斯,阿帕奇要塞
  • 上映时间1981年02月06日(美国)
  • 导       演 Daniel Pet...
  • 又       名布朗克斯,阿帕奇要塞 Fort Apache the B...
  • 编       剧 Heywood Go...


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  • Murphy: What is this, the gunfight at the O.K. Corral? Finley: As long as there's cop killers around, pal, I'm gonna be ready. Murphy: It don't make no difference how many guns you got. You only got two hands. Corelli: Look on the bright side, though. We get our names in the papers, right? We're gonna be real serious on t.v. Hey, you know, with your good looks, maybe you get to ball an anchor lady. Murphy: Yeah? Corelli: Yeah. Murphy: Not with my luck. If it was raining anchor ladies, I'd get hit with Walter Cronkite. Corelli: That's a nice coat. How'd you like me to cut it open, let all the rats out. Pimp: This coat cost more than you make in a year, motherfucker. Murphy: He knows your name. Corelli: Told you I was famous. Murphy: You want to go out tonight, have a drink? Isabella: Two hundred cops ask me out every day. Why should I say yes to you? Murphy: Cause you say yes to all the others. Isabella: Well I guess that makes you the only cop in the Bronx I say no to. Dugan: [Capt. Dugan, in his last day on the job before retiring, is describing the conditions in the Precinct] Three and four generations of families on welfare. Drug dealers. Winos. Junkies. Pimps! Murderers. Maniacs. Cop-killers... Connolly: You finished? Dugan: Yeah, I'm finished. I'm goin' to Florida, Connelly. I'm goin' fishin'. So you can bring up all your computers and your slide rules and your psychological techniques. I mean this neighborhood'll bury ya. There's enough dirt in this precinct to bury every smart-ass cop in the city... Connolly: [walking into the precinct for the first time] Captain Duggan's Office? Pantuzzi: [points toward the right without looking up] . Connolly: Don't you monitor the people who ask to see the commander, Sergeant? What if I was a lunatic with a gun? Pantuzzi: Then you wouldn't be a police officer Captain Connolly. Or would you? Connolly: What's your name, Sergeant? Pantuzzi: Kicking ass and taking names eh Captain? Well I'm Sergeant Anthony Pantuzzi. I have 22 years on the job and I'm ready to retire tomorrow if I get a hard time from now commander. I'll take the half-pension before I take any crap from anybody. [pointing again] Pantuzzi: Captain Duggan's office is over on the right close to the street as he can get. Connolly: [surprised, yet amused] Thank youuuuu Sergeant. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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