
加里波底 (1981) 5.9

Gallipoli 更多片名>

1981-08-07(澳大利亚)| 战争| 澳大利亚
上映时间:1981-08-07(澳大利亚) 类型: 战争
获奖信息:美国电影电视金球奖(1982年第39届) 获奖:1  提名:2
评分: 力荐



Jack: What are your legs? Archy Hamilton: Springs. Steel springs. Jack: What are they going to do? Archy Hamilton: Hurl me down the track. Jack: How fast can you run? Archy Hamilton: As fast as a leopard. Jack: How fast are you going to run? Archy Hamilton: As fast as a leopard. Jack: Then lets see you do it. Billy: Oh, be in it. The girls go wild over a uniform. Barney: Yeah? Billy: In your case I don't think anything would help but you might as well give it a go. Archy Hamilton: What are you going to join, the Infantry? Frank Dunne: Not joining anything. Archy Hamilton: But you gotta be in it. Frank Dunne: Don't have to if you don't want to. Archy Hamilton: You gotta be. Frank Dunne: No I don't. It's a free country, or haven't you heard. Archy Hamilton: You of all people should be going. Frank Dunne: Why me of all people? Archy Hamilton: 'Cause you're an athlete. Frank Dunne: [Laughs] What's that got to do with it? Archy Hamilton: I've got mates who'd be lucky to do the hundred in twelve and they're going to do their bit, so why shouldn't you? Frank Dunne: Because it's not our bloody war. Archy Hamilton: What do you mean, not our war? Frank Dunne: It's an English war, it's got nothing to do with us. Archy Hamilton: You know what you are, a bloody coward. Frank Dunne: There's only one reason I haven't knocked you down mate. Archy Hamilton: What? Frank Dunne: 'Cause I don't feel like carrying you to the next bloody water hole. Now shut up and don't open your yap about the war again. Archy Hamilton: We don't stop them there, they could end up here. Camel Driver: And they're welcome to it.


Frank Dunne


: Have another drink. Archy Hamilton: Whiskey doesn't make you look old. Frank Dunne: Oh doesn't it just. Have you seen my dad? I know he looks like a wreck but he's really thirty-five. Frank Dunne: The thing I can't stand about you mate is you're always so bloody cheerful. Army Doctor: Teeth aren't all that good. Snowy: Supposed to shoot the enemy, not bite them. Major Barton: Marker flags? Who told him there were marker flags? Lt. Grey: I heard someone say they'd seen one sir. Major Barton: Who? *Who*? Lt. Grey: I'm not sure sir. Major Barton: Grey, you bloody idiot! Nobody got further than ten yards! Frank Dunne: Why don't you go above Robinson's head sir? Major Barton: General Gardner. Go like the wind! Archy Hamilton: I'll see you when I see you. Frank Dunne: Not if I see you first. Major Barton: What your telling me sir and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the infantry attack on Lone Pine, and our Light Horse attack on the Nek are diversions. Col. Robinson: Oh not just diversions Major, vital important diversions. Tonight, 25,000 British troops will land here at Suvla Bay. Our attacks are to draw the Turks down on us so the British can get ashore. Sorry I didn't tell you this before, secrecy is vital. Major Barton: But sir, the Nek is a fortress. Protected by at least five machine guns at point-blank range. Col. Robinson: Yeah, we've considered that Barton. We're gonna hit their trenches with the heaviest barrage of the campaign just before your men go over the top. Artillery Officer: By the time we've finished, there won't be a Turk within miles. Col. Robinson: The Turks can keep us pinned down at ANZAC forever. This new British landing is our only hope. We must do what we can to make it succeed. Because of it does succeed, we'll have Constantinople with a week, and knock Turkey out of the war. Col. Robinson: Tell Major Barton that the attack must proceed. Frank Dunne: Sir, I don't think you've got the picture. They, our men, are being cut down before they can get five yards from the trench. Col. Robinson: I don't care! [hits the phone] Col. Robinson: Bloody line! Our marker flags were seen in the Turkish trenches. Even if only one man made it that far, the attack must continue at all costs. Frank Dunne: But... Col. Robinson: I repeat, the attack must proceed! Camel Driver: [talking about the war] How did it start? Archy Hamilton: I'm not exactly sure, but it was the German's fault.


[last lines]


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