人食人实录 (1985)

  • 意大利 哥伦比亚
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  • 恐怖


  • [last lines] Professor Harold Monroe: I wonder who the real cannibals are. Chaco Losojos: In there, the more you carry, the quicker you get tired, the sooner you die. Alan Yates: Oh, good Lord! It's unbelievable. It's horrible. I can't understand the reason for such cruelty. It probably has something to do with some bizarre sexual rage with the almost profound respect these primitives have for virginity. Chaco Losojos: They just want to show us they are brave warriors. And they want us to follow them to the village. Professor Harold Monroe: Follow them? Chaco Losojos: Yeah, to return the prisoner, and to talk. Professor Harold Monroe: Hey listen, I-I don't know about this. I think they want us for dinner tonight. Female TV Executive: Today people want sensationalism; the more you rape their senses the happier they are. Professor Harold Monroe: Ah, yes, that's typical western thought. Civilised isn't it? That's what Alan thought and that's why he's dead. The Yacumo Indian is a primitive and he has to be respected as such. You know, did you ever think of the Yacumo point of view? That we might be the savages? Professor Harold Monroe: Yes, yes, that is precisely what I want. I've seen the rest of the material, you haven't. You haven't seen the stuff that even your editors didn't have the stomach to put together, and if you had, you wouldn't hesitate but to agree with me. Chaco Losojos: Hey, professor! I recognize these teeth. This is Felipe Ocanya. He knew the jungle just as well as I do. Professor Harold Monroe: That makes me feel terrific. Chaco Losojos: You did it goddamnit! They've just invited us to dinner! Professor Harold Monroe: They what? Alan Yates: Here we are at the edge of the world of human history. Things like this happen all the time in the jungle; it's survival of the fittest! In the jungle, it's the daily violence of the strong overcoming the weak! Jack! Alan Yates: We really screwed ourselves this time, trying to, trying to stay there for the last shot. I don't even know where we are now, but I know, they... I know they, uh, followed us, and, and we lost everything trying to escape. We're screwed! We're trapped! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Alan Yates 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [Faye, Alan's fiance, is being carried away by the Yanomanos] Faye! Faye! Mark Tomasso: [Simultaneously screaming at each other] Did you see it, Alan? She's had it! We gotta think of ourselves! Alan Yates: No! We gotta get her outta there! I want to save her! Mark Tomasso: We gotta get the film back home, Alan! Alan Yates: I wanna save her! Mark Tomasso: Think of the film, Alan, think of the film! Alan Yates: I don't give a shit about it! [cuts away] Professor Harold Monroe: Would you like people to make money off your misery? [first lines] Reporter: Man is omnipotent; nothing is impossible for him. What seemed like unthinkable undertakings yesterday are history today. The conquest of the moon for example: who really talks about it anymore? Today we are already on the threshold of conquering our galaxy, and in a not too distant tomorrow, we'll be considering the conquest of the universe, and yet man seems to ignore the fact that on this very planet there are still people living in the stone age and practicing cannibalism. Alan Yates: [while filming a burning hut full of terrified natives] It's beautiful! Professor Harold Monroe: [voice over] We weren't able to get anything out of the Yanomamo, except a wristwatch they gave us as a token of gratitude to an ally. An ally they continue to fear and mistrust. So, I've decided to try an experiment in psychology. To strip myself completely, weapons, rings, dog tags, everything, to be like them, naked and unfettered as Adam. Faye Daniels: You're wasting film! What are you going to do with this, make a porn movie? Alan Yates: Hey, that's not a bad idea! We'll call it Jungle Jollies! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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