
电光骑士 (1979) 5.9

The Electric Horseman 更多片名>

1979-12-21(美国)| 喜剧 西部 爱情| 美国
上映时间:1979-12-21(美国) 类型: 喜剧 西部 爱情
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1980年第52届)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

悉尼.波拉克导演的此片,是一部以 “个人反抗制度"为主题的又一部好莱坞制作。讲述一名土生土长的冠军牛仔不甘心沦为大公司用作推销商品的傀儡,于是不顾一切逃到犹他州的荒山解放自己。一名电视女记者前往荒山追寻事实真相,二人因此产生了一段恋曲。该片技巧流畅可观,罗伯特.雷德福、...更多>


Hallie Martin: You ride off with somebody else's twelve million dollar horse, did you think we wouldn't notice? Sonny Steele: You've had a hard day. Why don't you scrunch down in the bag? Hallie Martin: Oh, I wish it were that easy. I don't sleep. Sonny: Ever? How old are you? Hallie Martin: Okay, I respect your position. I don't understand it, but I respect it. A lot of famous people hated publicity: Albert Schweitzer. Franco.... Albert Schweitzer. Sonny Steele: I ain't carrying it. And you can't carry it. Hallie Martin: The hell I can't. I've carried this stuff a lot of times. Sonny Steele: Where? Up the escalator at Bloomingtons, or Bloomingbirds or where ever the hell it is? Hallie Martin: Bloomingdales! Hallie Martin: I've been to the rodeo. Twice. Sonny Steele: Did you stay for the rattlesnake round up? Hallie Martin: Yes. I stayed. Right till the end. I saw the whole thing. Sonny Steele: They don't have one. How're you gonna round up a rattlesnake? Hallie Martin: I'm just trying to be pleasant. You get so worked up about everything. Sonny Steele: What have I got to be worked up about? I've only got a stole horse; everybody except the Coast Guard is after me; I've got nothin' but miles of open country to cross; and now I'm carrying a crazy woman around wearin' shoes from Bloomingbirds who thinks she's seen a rattlesnake round up. Hallie Martin: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Sonny Steele: I know. I'm the one who said it. Wendall: I'm gonna get me a bottle of tequila and find me one of them Keno girls that can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch and just kinda kick back. Hallie Martin: Mr. Steele, why were you 45 minutes late to the press confrence? Sonny Steele: Well, I'd like to aplogize for that. I was giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to a bottle of tequila. And, we lost her too. Man: Hey! Hey, Hallie, Hallie Martin! We met in New York, remember? Hallie Martin: Did we like each other? Ampco Industries PR Man:


Grace, why don't you stand in front of that poster with Sonny, and Steve can take your picture to bring home.


Sonny Steele: Oh, no, why don't you just take a picture of Grace in front of that picture of me with that box with the picture of me on the box holding the picture of me with the picture of me? Then you've got Grace, and you've got a whole bunch of pictures of me. Hallie Martin: You're all bent. Are you sick? Sonny Steele: Nope. Just bent.


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