"Starsky and Hutch" (1975)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  犯罪


  • advertisement Capt. Harold Dobey: Starsky, about this report, it reads like a comic book: "The fiery Torino sped into the street and we spilled into action." Huggy Bear: [Hutch, Capt. Dobey, and Huggy Bear are deciphering the message from Hutch's abductors] The zoo! Capt. Harold Dobey: Which is where *you* belong! Det. Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson: [a little more deciphering] Starsky is being held at the LA Zoo! [Hutch & Capt. Dobey rush out] Huggy Bear: Don't thank me... [Starsky is driving a car with a bomb in the trunk] Det. Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson: [yells] Get him the hell out o' here! Det. Dave Starsky: [checks watch] Come on, for *once* be fast...! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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