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Go Ask Alice

Go Ask Alice (1973) 6.8

1973-01-24(美国)| 美国
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1973年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐


Alice: Richie says parents always notice missing booze, but never pills or cash. He says that shows where their heads are at. Alice: Can you believe it? Stoned out of our minds, and my own parents can't tell the difference. How did they get to the age they are? Richie: This comes from too much talk and not enough smoke. Priest: Do you want an opinion or an alibi? Alice: He's getting high just talking about getting high, and you're getting high off of his high, and I'm getting high off of your high. And it's one big contact high.

Go Ask Alice

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