Score (1973)

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  • Eddie: She was sure you'd been murdered and raped. Elvira: (sarcastic) Murdered maybe... Elvira: Jack, I know you'd just as soon climb aboard a man than a woman, wouldn't you? Jack: Elvira, I'd climb aboard a porcupine if it struck my fancy. Jack: Say, that's a nice looking ring. Eddie: Do you like it? I wasn't sure I liked it. I thought it looked a little queer. Jack: Queer strange or queer faggoty? Eddie: Queer faggoty. Betsy: Am I stoned yet? Elvira: I don't think so. Betsy: Then lets play Chopsticks anyway. [Betsy plays Chopsticks on the piano] Betsy: I don't remember the words... [Betsy puts on crotchless panties and a frontless bra] Betsy: Why don't I just wear nothing? Elvira: That would be vulgar. Betsy: Did you have a nice evening, Elvira? Elvira: No. I'd tell you all about it, only you'd blush. Betsy: That's all a good Catholic girl ever does. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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