非洲怒豹 (1973)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  犯罪  冒险
  • 片       名非洲怒豹
  • 上映时间1973年06月14日(美国)
  • 导       演 约翰·吉勒曼


  • Jazar: How long is your phallus, Mr. Shaft? Shaft: My what? Jazar: Your cock? Shaft: Baby, by now it's shrunk down to 20 inches. Shaft: Now wait a minute. Now I'm not James Bond. Simply Sam Spade. Col. Gonder: Well, Mr. Shaft, it seems we've brought you a long distance for nothing. Obviously the opposition knows about you. If you choose to call it off, we'll understand. Shaft: What? And blow 25 grand? Col. Gonder: Only money brings you here? Shaft: Hell no! I just love to have my picture taken with lions. Zubair: You know how to ride camel? Shaft: No ride camel. Ride ass! Wassa: Where did you study stick fighting, Mr. Shaft? Shaft: Conducting the New York Philharmonica. Wassa: The Emir will be pleased. Also by the fact that you're already circumsiced. Emir Ramila: How good are you with a stick? Shaft: Cat named Shaft ain't gonna be bad with a stick. Shaft: Look, why don't you get rid of that jolly giant over there, so you and I can get down to the finer strokes. Aleme: Oziot has guarded me since I was a child. Sometimes I think of him as my living chastity belt. Shaft: Damn! Man that size, baby, that's a whole lot of chastity! Aleme: I'm still on my first age grade. We call that fareita. No one is permitted to marry while they are in fareita. Shaft: What do you do for relaxation? Aleme: I enter chala, my second age grade, this February. And even the emir's daughter may have sex and marry, after my clitoradectomy. Shaft: Your what? Aleme: My clitoradectomy. Female circumcision. Shaft: You mean when they cut off your...? Aleme: Are you afraid to say the word? My clitoris! Yes! That's what they do in the time of chala. Shaft: Hell, no wonder the natives get restless! Aleme: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mr. Shaft, the emphasis in our marriage is not about sexual pleasure, but on the rearing of children. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Shaft: Listen, baby. February is just around the corner. Now how the hell are you gonna know what you are missing unless you give it a little wear and tear before they take it away? Aleme: Are you volunteering? Shaft: You damn right! Amafi: Listen, Mr. Wassa. I don't love this young lady. I don't even particularly like her. But she's the only person in the world I've ever found who can get it up for me. Shaft: [looking at a naked prostitute] No wonder they call Africa the mother country! Mama, I ain't gonna fight it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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