
呼喊与细语 (1972) 6.7

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1972-12-21(瑞典)| 爱情 剧情| 瑞典|1小时31分钟
上映时间:1972-12-21(瑞典) 类型: 爱情 剧情 时长:1小时31分钟
制作/发行:Svenska Filminstitutet (SFI) [瑞典] / Reserva Especial
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1974年第46届) 获奖:3  提名:5
评分: 力荐

  艾格尼丝(哈里特·安德森 Harriet Andersson饰)、玛丽亚(丽芙·乌曼 Liv Ullmann饰)和卡琳(英格里德·图林 Ingrid Thulin饰)虽然是三姊妹,各人内心却有着积重难返的隔膜和疏离。艾格尼丝身患绝症,生命将近,守护在她身边的是女仆安娜。艾格尼...更多>



部名作的名称源于莫扎特创作的四重奏乐评:听来仿佛哭泣与低语。很多场景让人觉得十分压抑。影片有一种强烈的悲观论调和死亡情结,同时又绞缠着欲望的神秘色彩。摄影非常出色,背景几乎全是深红色,制造了一种梦境的迷惑,让人既着迷又排斥,情不自禁地陷入剧中人的情景而欲罢不能。摄影曾获奥斯卡奖。 【关于影片】 《呼喊与细语》被认为是伯格曼最伟大的电影(其他一些人则认为是《第七封印》、《假面》或《芳妮与亚历...


Anna: [reading Agnes' journal entry] "Wednesday the third of September-- The tang of autumn fills the clear still air but it's mild and fine. My sisters, Karin and Maria have come to see me. It's wonderful to be together again like in the old days, and I am feeling much better. We were even able to go for a little walk together. Such an event for me, especially since i haven't been out of doors for so long. Suddenly we began to laugh and run toward the old swing that we hadn't seen since we were children. We sat in it like three good little sisters and Anna pushed us, slowly and gently. All my aches and pains were gone. The people I am most fond of in all the world were with me. I could hear their chatting around me. I could feel the presence of their bodies, the warmth of their hands. I wanted to hold the moment fast and thought, "Come what may, this is happiness. I cannot wish for anything better. Now, for a few minutes, I can experience perfection. And I feel profoundly grateful to my life, which gives me so much.


David: Come over here Maria. Look at yourself in the mirror. You are beautiful... but you have changed. These days you cast rapid, calculating, sidelong glances. You're gaze used to be direct, open, and without any disguise. Your mouth is an expression of discontent and hunger. It used only to be soft. Your complexion has become pallid, you use make-up. Your fine, broad forehead now has four creases above each eyebrow... And this fine contour from the ear to the chin... it's no longer quite so evident. That's where complacency and indolence reside... Look here, at the bridge of the nose, why do you sneer so often, Maria? ...Beneath your eyes, those sharp, barely visible wrinkles of boredom and impatience.



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