Columbo: Murder by the Book (1971)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  灾难
Columbo: Murder by the Book
  • 片       名Columbo: Murder...
  • 上映时间1971年09月15日(美国)


  • [first lines] [Jim works in his office] Jim Ferris: [knock on the door] Who is it? [another knock on the door] Jim Ferris: [He opens the door - Ken is aiming a gun at his face. Jim laughs] Ken Franklin: Oh, you're not intimidated. Jim Ferris: Oh, come on, Ken. You're forgetting that I'm one-half of the world's greatest mystery-writing team? You, ah, don't have gloves on, your finger's not on the trigger, and there are no bullets in the cylinder. Ken Franklin: [smiling] You're right. I'm a lousy practical joker. Ken Franklin: And now, sir... I'm gonna kidnap you. Jim Ferris: Did you ever get a feeling of déjà vu? [Distraught over her husband's disappearance, Joanna Ferris tries to get a water fountain to work] Lieutenant Columbo: I think that's out of order, ma'am. Uh, you see, that's the trouble with these buildings; the fountains never work, then you have to use the coffee machine. And then you lose your dime, and the coffee's lousy. Joanna Ferris: Who are you? Lieutenant Columbo: Oh, I'm just another cop. My name is Columbo. I'm a lieutenant. Lieutenant Columbo: Now look, wait a minute. Let me tell you something. You look very tired to me, and I think you had a terrible experience in there. And I think I ought to drive you home. Let's call it a night. Joanna Ferris: Don't you think they want to ask me questions? Lieutenant Columbo: Oh, I don't think they'll mind. I think you've answered enough questions. Joanna Ferris: Well, what about Ken? Why isn't Ken here? I don't know why he isn't here. Lieutenant Columbo: Is that Mr. Franklin, the other half of the writing team? Joanna Ferris: [smiles ruefully] Yeah, the other half of the team. Lieutenant Columbo: I'll tell ya, Mrs. Ferris; I'm the worst cook in the world, but there's one thing I do terrific, and that's an omelet. Even my wife admits it. Uh, I need something for the egg shells. Lieutenant Columbo: Hey, I'm sorry. I'm making a pest of myself. Ken Franklin: Naw! Lieutenant Columbo: Yes, yes, I am! I know, it's because I keep asking these questions, but I'll tell ya, I can't help myself. It's a habit. [Lieutenant Columbo wants information about an insurance policy from Mike Tucker] Mike Tucker: Now wait a minute lieutenant. We like to cooperate with the police but if you want confidential information, I'm afraid... Lieutenant Columbo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 6a 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Look, I don't want to cause you any trouble. Maybe it would be more helpful if I got a court order? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mike Tucker: [looks shocked] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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