The Last Run (1971)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  犯罪  惊悚
  • 又       名The Last Run
  • 编       剧 Alan Sharp
  • 剧       情
    A former getaway driver from Chicago (George C. Scott) has retired to a peaceful life in a Portugese fishing village. He is asked to pull of...


  • Paul Rickard: I never called anything a her in my life. It, a car is an it. Harry Garmes: With you, Rickard, everything is an it. Monique: Are you catholic? Harry Garmes: In the old days, before the fall, I owned a few shares. Monique: You are driving again for criminals. Harry Garmes: I'm driving again for me... Because I'm getting ready to die sitting down here. I'm driving again... to see if my nerves and my brain are still connected. [Harry has just handed Monique an envelope full of cash] Monique: Is it stolen? Is that why you gave it to me? Harry Garmes: No. It's just that it's real money. It's not bank money. If you were to very look closely under the picture of Benjamin Franklin, you would see that it said, "This proves Harry Garmes is still alive." And if it should happen to prove otherwise, consider it yours. Claudie Scherrer: Where is your wife? Garmes: I don't know. She left shortly after our son died. Said she was going to Switzerland to have her breasts lifted. I thought she meant by surgery. Claudie Scherrer: Was she pretty, your wife? Harry Garmes: She had skin like silver and silk, and eyes like gentian. Claudie Scherrer: What a lovely thing to say. Harry Garmes: Yes, her boyfriend had a real turn of phrase. She left some of his letters behind when she went away. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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