
雷恩的女儿 (1970) 5.9

Ryan's Daughter 更多片名>

1970-11-09(美国)| 爱情| 英国
上映时间:1970-11-09(美国) 类型: 爱情
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1971年第43届) 获奖:4  提名:4
评分: 力荐



Corporal: Good morning. Blowy day? Maureen: Yes, Corporal - it's the wind! Corporal: Only want to be friendly, kids. Irish Girl: Then go back to London, and write us a letter! Corporal: I don't come from London, love. Maureen's boyfriend: Go anyway. Maureen: Aren't the police a dirty lot, hobnobbing with British soldiers! Const. O'Connor: I heard that, Maureen Cassidy! Maureen: You were meant to, Constable O'Connor! Father Collins: I don't know what's the matter with youngsters in this town. Their talk is filthy, their doings are secret, and cruelty for fun. Thomas Ryan: Unemployment is the matter with them, Father Hugh. It's the deliberate policy for the British government that Irish youngsters shall corrupt in idleness. Father Collins: It's time you married Rosy. It's time she got a house of her own to clean, floors to scrub. Thomas Ryan: My princess isn't interested in fellows, Father. Father Collins: Your "princess" has got fellows enough in here [taps head] Father Collins: And fellas running loose in there will do a girl more damage than a barracks full of drunk dragoons. Thomas Ryan: Well, if it's one of that lot that's fit for her, Father, maybe you'll point him out! Thomas Ryan: [talking about the Easter Rebellion] If the Germans had an ounce of sense, they'd send us guns to use against the British! Charles Shaughnessy: That's treason you're talking. Thomas Ryan: And friends that are listening surely to God! Father Collins: Good luck to all Irishmen. Thomas Ryan: Bad luck to the British. Success to the Germans! And - [British soldiers enter the bar] Thomas Ryan: And a very good morning to you, Corporal! Father Collins: [having encountered Rosy walking alone on the beach] Have you got nothing to do? Rosy Ryan: Precisely that! Father Collins: Well, Ms. Precisely, that's a pity! Unemployment is a dangerous occupation! Thomas Ryan: [Corporal is reading a newspaper article about fighting in France]


It seems the Jerries are giving your brave lads out there a terrible scrimmage, then.


Corporal: Aye. Mr. McCardle: Well, you see Tom, Jerry's a tougher proposition than unarmed Irish children. Corporal: As far as I know, Mr. McCardle, no children were killed! [laughs of disbelief] Corporal: All right, there were. They get you in this uniform, you aim your gun where you're told to point it, and you pull the trigger. And so does Jerry... and so would you! Mrs. McCardle: [on Rosy] There's loose women, and there's whores... and there's British soldier's whores! Captain: Well, if it's all the same to you, sir, I'll be straight off. I've given myself leave. Captain: Yes? Randolph Doryan: Embarkation leave. France. Second Batallion, Southeast Lanchasires... they're in the front line. Will you tell me something, man to man? What's it like, really - front line? [Doryan's face expresses discomfort] Randolph Doryan: Aye. Well, I'll find out soon enough. I'm a coward, you see. No, I always have been - from being a lad. I can't master it. Well, I don't suppose I've tried, really. I'd give my left arm to have a touch of what you've got. I hate it! Just the bloody thought of it gives me the shakes. In fact, that's my nightmare, the shakes. I don't mind dying - not if it's quick. Life's not that much, is it? I wouldn't mind having a gammy leg, like you've got - though I don't suppose it's funny. But the shakes? Shellshock? Just shaking and shambling like a... epileptic baby? Nay, I'd rather be dead! I can see what's coming - I'm going to disgrace myself... Randolph Doryan: You don't know what you'll do. No one does - you don't know what you're doing? Captain: Really? I read what you did in the newspapers. That weren't no flash in the pan - you'd do the same again, I dare say. Randolph Doryan: You'd be wrong. Captain: Well, you've done your bit - someone else's turn, eh? Father Collins: [Collins has come across the townspeople tormenting Michael] What am I to do with you? What? Maureen: Actually, it's only a bit of fun, Father. Father Collins: Are you brainless, Maureen Cassidy, or what? Fun. Devil take me if the lot of you's not possessed and damned! Thomas Ryan: [meeting Doryan for the first time] Now, I can't just say you're welcome - not in your official function. Ah, but in YOURSELF, you're welcome! A brave man is a brave man in any uniform, be it English khaki, Irish green, aye, or German gray. Charles Shaughnessy: [Rose has professed her love to Charles] Rose, you're mistaking a penny mirror for the sun - do you not see that? Rosy Ryan: I see you always digging a low pit for yourself - when you should be standing on a heap of pride. Charles Shaughnessy: You coming in here and saying what you did just now is the only cause I've ever had for pride. Randolph Doryan: [after O'Leary has been arrested]


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