豪勇七蛟龙3 (1969)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  西部  冒险
  • 片       名豪勇七蛟龙3
  • 上映时间1969年07月14日
  • 导       演 Paul Wendk...
  • 又       名豪勇七蛟龙3 荒野七鏢客 七侠荡寇志3 Guns of ...
  • 编       剧 Herman Hof...


  • [first lines] Col. Diego: Where is the meeting? Tortured Prisoner: In the church. Col. Diego: Is Quintero with them? Tortured Prisoner: Yes. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: And what about Lobero? Quintero: He is a bandit and a thief. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: But it is hard to respect the law when you feel the heel of its boot on your back. Quintero: I'm not so sure that what Lobero wants for the revolution is the same as what we want. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: He says he wants to help and he has many guns. Quintero: Do you trust him? Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: [shakes his head] Only his guns. Quintero: For the revolution, I would make a bargain with the devil, so why not with Lobero? Keno: You want to know my name before you hang me? Judge: Not particularly. Just your last words. Keno: I demand a recount. Judge: Stealin' a man's horse in this country is worse than stealin' a man's wife. There's been too much of that goin' on recently and I'm going to put a stop to it. Keno: Horse stealing or wife stealing? Judge: Anybody in favor of hanging this man, say "Aye." Crowd: Aye! Judge: Against? Chris Adams: Nooo. Judge: And who says, "No"? Chris Adams: Me. Judge: Just who are you to say, "No"? Chris Adams: Who do you have to be to say "No" to a rigged court - stretchin' the neck of this poor slob? Chris Adams: I need help - more men. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: We have the men - quick with the guns, but slow with the brains. Chris Adams: Six men - not enough to attract suspicion - just enough to do the job. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: Chris, can I fight with you? Oh, it's not for the money - I could not take it. It's for Quintero. Chris Adams: Not on the basis of what you did against Keno. Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: I'm young, I'm strong, I'm angry and I will learn. Besides, my cousin says seven is a lucky number for you. Keno: Why do your people have such long names? Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: I don't know. Perhaps it's because we all have such short lives. Chris Adams: This is a rough go, huh, Cassie? Cassie: Yeah. If I stay here any longer, I'll end up in jail. Chris Adams: Wouldn't you rather blow one up? Cassie: For money or for laughs? Chris Adams: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • About as much as you'd make in a year - a hundred dollars. Not many laughs. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [the one-armed Slater explains his situation] Slater: I'm a freak, Keno. Half man and half gun. Why, I can't whip a six-year-old girl in a fair fight, but I can blow a man's eyeballs out at a hundred yards - in a sandstorm. Emiliano Zapata: Chris, how old do you have to be to die? Levi Morgan: You know, it takes a man my age to appreciate a real woman. She's worth it, too. Keno: Oh, I appreciate them, Levi. Every one I've ever had. I just appreciated the hell out of 'em! [last lines] Emiliano Zapata: Max, what did Chris say? Lt. Maximiliano O'Leary: He said, "A coward dies many deaths... the brave only one." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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