"Dark Shadows" (1966)

  • 美国
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  • 奇幻  恐怖  灾难
"Dark Shadows"
  • 片       名"Dark Shad...
  • 上映时间1966年06月27日(美国)
  • 导       演 Lela SwiftHenry Kapl...


  • advertisement Carolyn: I don't want a sedative! I want Jeb! [Joe Haskell shows up at Collinwood drunk] Carolyn Stoddard: Joe, what are you doing here? Joe Haskell: Paying a visit to my girl, that's all. Carolyn Stoddar: You potted! Joe Haskell: You're mother was more lady-like, she said I was drunk. Carolyn: Joe, you potted? Joe: Your mother was more lady-like. She said I was drunk. Victoria Winters: My name is Victoria Winters. My journey is beginning. A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my past with my future. A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place, to the edge of the sea high atop Widows' Hill - a house called Collinwood. A world I've never known, with people I've never met. People who tonight are still only shadows in my mind, but who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrows. Barnabas Collins: For most men, time moves slowly, oh so slowly, they don't even realize it. But time has revealed itself to me in a very special way. Time is a rushing, howling wind that rages past me, withering me in a single, relentless blast, and then continues on. I've been sitting here passively, submissive to its rage, watching its work. Listen! Time, howling, withering! Barnabas Collins: It will be a long time before this house falls apart. It was built to last forever like the Pyramids in Egypt. Victoria Winters: You can't compare the Pyramids to this house. The Pyramids were designed to be tombs. Barnabas Collins: You're right. This house was not designed to be a tomb. Barnabas Collins: At last darkness has come. Goodbye, Maggie Evans. I might have loved you, I might have spared you, but now you must die. Angelique: I set a curse upon you, Barnabas Collins! You wanted your Josette so much, well, you shall have her, but not in the way that you would have chosen. You will never rest, Barnabas! And you will never be able to love anyone-for whoever loves you will die. That is my curse, and you will live with it through all eternity!" Angelique: Let me give you one word of advice, Dr. Hoffman. The pursuit of Barnabas Collins can lead to nothing but misery. He is a cold, harsh, unresponsive man." Dr. Julia Hoffman: Who made him that way? Victoria Winters: [about Barnabas] But just the same, I wonder if that isn't why he always seems a little bit sad, a little bit lost. Because he is lost in the present. He really does come from another time. He'll never find it. Because it's gone forever. Barnabas Collins: I didn't say she was dead, I said I killed her. Quentin Collins: If only we could find a way of telling the truth without anyone knowing what actually happened. Judith Collins: Turn off that gramophone, it's driving me mad. Quentin Collins: Perhaps that's why I play it. Quentin Collins: On your way to grandmothers house and low and behold who should you meet but the big bad wolf. Grant Douglas: I don't like the idea that I'm dead. Dr. Julia Hoffman: I want to protect you Barnabas. I'm not applying for a job as your maid. Quentin Collins: Of course a woman is going to kill me. I wouldn't have it any other way! Maggie Evans: Well we might as well be relly racy and have another card game. Joe Haskell: All right, but I'm feeling lucky. Maggie Evans: You can all hover over me like a royal guard. I'd be delighted to play the queen. [Maggie's response after Dr. Hoffman hypnotised her with her medallion] Maggie Evans: Lovely, very unusual. Maggie Evans: Oh Joe, look. I'd take a good book or a box of candy for a gift any day of the week. Joe Haskell: You would? [Maggie giggles] Maggie Evans: I've never realized how much I liked it, I guess I've really thought about it one way or another, how sad. Victoria Winters: Why so sad? Maggie Evans: Sad that I love the darkness so much and I've never knew it. Angelique: You wish you'd never met me. But you did. And nothing can change it... Come to me. I command you to turn around. Look into my eyes. Deep into my eyes. You have no will of your own. You cannot resist me... Barnabas Collins: I said you were my friend, and how I wish that were the truth. But I am past the point when friends are possible. I'm sorry. Maggie Evans: I know what Barnabas Collins is!... Joe, we haven't got time to talk. We've got to escape. We've got out of this town! David Collins: I wonder why Willie went in the secret room? Maybe there's something in there he doesn't want anyone to see-maybe someting... horrible! Willie Loomis: A lot of things you deserve you never get, and some things you get that you don't deserve. Roger Collins: Alright Kitten, let me get out my score pad and we'll go over the guests who are still ensconsed here. Carolyn: Well, Jason is still here. Roger Collins: Check. Carolyn: But Willie Loomis has gone. Roger Collins: Oh bravo! You can't keep the jet set down can you? Tell me, did he accept an invitation from the Prince and Princess of Monaco or could he simply not stand another one of Mrs. Johnson's famous boiled dinners? Willie Loomis: I never knew how awful it was to be alone, till I wasn't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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