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  • [On Selina's plans to go to the park] Ole' Pa: Only one thing messin' up your idea S'lina, and it ain't fatso's supper. Selina D'Arcy: What then? Ole' Pa: Nobody'd bring ya home. Selina D'Arcy: You could. I can wait. Ole' Pa: Many a time I'm not on my way till good and dark. Selina D'Arcy: Is that all? Dark's nothing to me. I'm always in the dark. [Gordon is shopping with Selina] Gordon Ralfe: I almost forgot. I'm out of detergent. Now this is where I really need your help. There's Swish... Selina D'Arcy: [Quoting advertising slogans] "Keeps your hands soft as velvet." Gordon Ralfe: Good. Whizz... Selina D'Arcy: "Retains your girlish skin." Gordon Ralfe: Marvelous. Jiffy... Selina D'Arcy: "Jiffy makes you feel like a princess." Gordon Ralfe: Froth... Selina D'Arcy: Froth? I never heard that one. Gordon Ralfe: Froth is just for washing dishes, but that's the one we need. [at a cash register] Selina D'Arcy: What's happening now? Gordon Ralfe: They're adding it all up. Selina D'Arcy: In their heads? Gordon Ralfe: No, on machines. They don't use heads anymore. Selina D'Arcy: [touching Poitier's face] I know that you're good and kind. I know that you're colored and... Gordon Ralfe: What? Selina D'Arcy: ...And I think you're beautiful! Gordon Ralfe: [smiling] Beautiful? Most people would say the opposite. Selina D'Arcy: [Gordon kisses Selina on forehead] Was that a kiss? Gordon Ralfe: [Nodding] It was a kiss. Selina D'Arcy: Kiss me again. [Gordon kisses her forehead again] Selina D'Arcy: [Grabs Gordon's face and kisses him on the lips] Oh Gordon... Gordon... oh I wish I'd never been done over. Gordon Ralfe: [Pulls her away] What did you say? Selina D'Arcy: Nothing. Gordon Ralfe: I'm sorry. You were much sinned against. Selina D'Arcy: Are you angry with me. Do you think I'm bad... dirty? Gordon Ralfe: No. Selina D'Arcy: I said what I said because I love you so much. Gordon Ralfe: I know why you said it. I'm glad you said it. You brought me back to Earth. Selina D'Arcy: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I didn't want you to come back to Earth. I wanted you to make love with me. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Selina D'Arcy: Hello Sadie. Sadie: [ignoring her] Man, dig that crazy ghost! Hey, you hear a ghost tellin' me "hello" Rose-Ann? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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