
爸爸爱妈妈 (1961) 6.0

The Parent Trap

1961-06-12(美国)| 家庭 喜剧 爱情| 美国
上映时间:1961-06-12(美国) 类型: 家庭 喜剧 爱情
获奖信息:美国编剧工会奖(1962年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

Hayley Mills plays twins who, unknown to their divorced parents, meet at a summer camp. Products of single parent households, they switch pl...更多>


Sharon McKendrick: That's how true love creates its beautiful agony. All splendid lovers have just dreadful times! Uh, Peleus and Melicent... Daphnis and Chloë... History's just jammed with stories of lovers parted by some silly thing! Miss Inch: Congratulations. In the history of this camp, that was the most infamous, the most disgusting, the most revolting display of hooliganism we have ever had. Miss Grunecker: Rolling around like hooligans in front of our guests. Miss Inch: And worst of all, two sisters who should be setting a good example. Susan Evers: We're not sisters! Sharon McKendrick: I've never seen HER before in my life. Miss Inch: They are! Aren't they? Miss Grunecker: No ma'am. Just look-alikes. Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Oh yes! Don't say anything about that dear, sweet, precious Vicky! That plot-faced child bride and her electric hips! Susan Evers: Do you want to know Father? And I'm just dying to know Mother. It might be so scary that we just might be able to pull it off. Sharon McKendrick: Pull what off? Susan Evers: Switch places! Sharon McKendrick: Switch? Susan Evers: We can do it. We're twins, aren't we? Oh, I'm just dying to know Mother! Look, now I'M getting goosebumps! Sharon McKendrick: Me, too. You know something? There's more to it than just switching places. I believe fate brought us together. Susan Evers: How so? Sharon McKendrick: If we switched, sooner or later, they'd have to unswitch us. Susan Evers: Mother would have to bring me to California to unmix us. Sharon McKendrick: And they'd have to meet again. Susan Evers: Face-to-face. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Sharon McKendrick: Exactly. Susan Evers: Let's get to work! Verbena 'Ever's Housekeeper': You didn't know what a good thing you had when you had it. Mitch Evers: Huh? Susan's roommate at camp Inch: The nerve of her! Coming here with your face! Susan's other roommate: What are you gonna do about it? Susan Evers: Do? What in heaven's sake can I do, silly? Susan's other roommate: I'd bite off her nose. Then she wouldn't look like you. Miss Inch: [reading from index cards] Welcome to Camp Inch, new arrivals. I am your supreme commander here. My name is... [turns to the next card and continues reading] Miss Inch: Miss Inch.


[frowns, looks back at the previous card in confusion, then re-reads the new one]


Miss Inch: Oh, yes, Miss Inch. Ursala, Camp Inch roomate: I know! We'll wait until she comes over here and when she's not looking we'll dump ants down her dress! Betty: Where are we gonna find ants at night stupid? Ursala, Camp Inch roomate: Ooo, just thinking about it makes me so mad I could just spit! Mitch Evers: Would you mind putting on something decent? Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: I'm dressed perfectly decent. Mitch Evers: Yeah, running around in my bathrobe. The priest could come in here any minute, it looks like we just... Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Like we what? Mitch Evers: Just go upstairs and put on some clothes! Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Don't you take that tone with me Mitch. I lambed you once! [she tries to make a childish fist but it gets wrapped under her robe sleeve, so she pulls the sleeve down] Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Now stand back. Mitch Evers: Oh Maggie, come on... [he tries to grab her arm from behind but she elbows him instead and instinctively punches him in the eye] Mitch Evers: Ow! [covers his eye] Mitch Evers: Why do you have to get so physical? [mopes over to the couch and lies down] Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: Oh, stop being such a big baby. Let me take a look at it. [tries to look at his eye but he childishly won't let her] Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick: You're acting worst than the twins. Sharon McKendrick: [looks at Susan putting up a picture on the wall] Who's that? Susan Evers: [turns to her surprised] Are you kidding? Ricky Nelson? Sharon McKendrick: Oh, your boyfriend. Susan Evers: [a choked laugh is forced out] I wish he was! You mean you've never heard of him? Where do ya come from? Outer space? Charles McKendrick: [Susan starts sniffing the coat he is wearing] My dear, what are you doing? Susan Evers: Making a memory. Charles McKendrick: Making a memory? Susan Evers: All my life, when I'm quite grown-up I will always remember my grandfather and how he smelled of [smells his jacket again] Susan Evers: tobacco and peppermint. Charles McKendrick: Smelled of tobacco and peppermint. [starts chuckling] Charles McKendrick: Well, I'll tell you what. I take the peppermint for my indigestion and as for the tobacco [looks around] Charles McKendrick: to make your grandmother mad. Mitch Evers:


Hey, Maggie, you look pretty good. What did you do to yourself?


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