The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  恐怖  科幻
The Amazing Transparent Man
  • 又       名The Amazing Transparent Man
  • 编       剧 Jack Lewis


  • Major Paul Krenner: I must know the full potential of your invention because my aim is to make an entire army invisible. Do you understand that? An entire army. Dr. Peter Ulof: I did not agree to kill a man by deliberate radiation poisoning. Major Paul Krenner: You're too old-fashioned to be a genius. State Police officer: Imagine what our counter intelligence could accomplish if they were able to become invisible whenever necessary. Dr. Peter Ulof: The Central Intelligence Agency has already discussed the possibilities with me. Laura Matson: I know what I've been, Joey, but I can change all that. What are you doing? Joey Faust: Giving you your split. You're on your own, Baby! Laura Matson: But you... you said we would be together! Joey Faust: Honey, right now I need a car more than I need you. You can start walking anytime. Laura Matson: But you can't just go off and leave me... Joey? Joey Faust: Goodbye, Laura! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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