Toter hing im Netz, Ein (1960)

  • 西德 南斯拉夫
  • |
  • 冒险  恐怖  灾难
Toter hing im Netz, Ein
  • 片       名Toter hing im N...
  • 上映时间1960年04月16日(西德)
  • 导       演 Fritz B...


  • Mike Blackwood: There's absolutely no reason yet to fear the worst. Until now, we only know that the plane caught fire and we've lost radio contact. Joe: You know, when you've lived on an island for a long time, you forget how to say nice things to girls. Ann: Well, try at once. Joe: Well, I'm really glad that your aeroplane crashed. Joe: I don't know any girls and when I think of the ones I do, I'd rather work. Ann: Same old story - you're nice to a man and before you know it, he's getting thrashed. Joe: [to Bobby] For a guy like you, the worst girl in the world is too good! Bobby: What are dancers? Hot goods for cold nights. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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