
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt: [putting on his hat to wave at the photographers that he has eluded by boarding the train secretly] D 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • o I look snappy? Franklin Delano Roosevelt: I have no intention of retiring to Hyde Park and rusticating. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: I feel I've had to go through the fire for some reason. Eleanor, it's a hard way to learn humility, but I've had to learn it by crawling. I know what is meant "You must learn to crawl, before you can walk." Gov. Alfred E. Smith: You were both too surprised to *be* surprised. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: When you're forced to sit a lot, and watch others move about, you feel apart, lonely - because you can't get up and pace around. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Louis, why in hell must you keep pacing up and down? Louis Howe: I'm nervous! Eleanor Roosevelt: I have this naive view that you should pursue principles without calculating the consequences. Louis Howe: You're no politician. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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