
铁血柔情 (1956) 6.7

Love Me Tender

1956-11-15(美国)| 经典 爱情 西部| 美国
上映时间:1956-11-15(美国) 类型: 经典 爱情 西部
评分: 力荐



Vance Reno: Listen, Brett, we didn't steal this money. We took it in battle, fair and square. It's what they call "spoils of war", like capturing a horse or anything else. We didn't know the war was over, and neither did the Federals. So it's still prize money. Martha Reno: Clint thinks the sun rises and sets in you. Vance Reno: I know, Ma. That's just why I'm going. Cathy Reno: [Clint has just been shot after defending Vance... Cathy "Kit" Reno rushes to his side and takes him into her arms] Just lie still. Clint Reno: [gasping for breath] Kit... where's Vance? I gotta talk to him. Vance Reno: I'm here, Clint. Clint Reno: [crying] Vance, I didn't mean it! I swear I didn't mean it... Vance Reno: [softly] I know you didn't, Clint. You don't have to tell me. Everything's gonna be all right. Clint Reno: [looks at Kit, then at Vance] Everything's gonna be all right [last lines... gasps, then dies... Kit weeps] Clint Reno: .


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