Carnival Story (1954)

  • 美国 西德
Carnival Story
  • 片       名Carnival Story
  • 上映时间1954年04月16日(美国)
  • 导       演 Kurt Neuma...


  • Willie: Until I met you, I never knew how rotten I was. Joe Hammond: What's the matter? What's this? You've been kissed before... Willie: What difference does that make? If I'd been married before, would that make you wanna marry me? If I'd been hurt before, would that make you wanna hurt me? [first lines] Frank Colloni: Whaddya say, Joe. [to Charley] Frank Colloni: Boy, this is sure seein' Europe the hard way! Charley Grayson: Aw, it's better than dodgin' those sheriffs in Kentucky. Besides, we might do pretty good here. Peggy: Hi, lover. Did you miss me? Joe Hammond: Miss you? I couldn't eat; couldn't sleep, couldn't drink... Peggy: Uh-huh. Couldn't even write, you muscle-bound ape. Frank Colloni: Would you mind taking off your dress? Willie: Sometimes there are phrases in English I do not understand. Did you ask me to take my dress off? Frank Colloni: Afraid of me? Willie: I'm not afraid of anyone! [Willy removes her dress and strikes a pose] Willie: Well? Frank Colloni: You know what I was thinking? Willie: Probably. Frank Colloni: You're wrong. I've been thinking lately the act might go better if I had a partner. That's all. It's just an idea. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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