大树岭恩仇记 (1952)

  • 美国
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  • 动作
  • 片       名大树岭恩仇记
  • 上映时间1952年02月05日(美国)
  • 导       演 Felix E. F...


  • Daisy Fisher: It's lucky for you that I only learned how to write, not read. Daisy Fisher: You stye on the eye of a flea on a thigh of a nit on the neck of a gnat! Jim Fallon: Stop thinking so hard, Frenchie. You're liable to get yourself a bad headache. Alicia Chadwick: Men have been known to change. Walter 'Yukon' Burns: Oh, lady, even I have been given up by women reformers! The biggest mistake a woman can make is to pick the wrong man and try to make him right. Elder Bixby: Violence is not our creed. Walter 'Yukon' Burns: Yeah, I know. And I believe in turning the other cheek... but you just run out of cheeks. It's time to start growing some religious muscle. Judge Crenshaw: Mr. Burns, I've heard you were an honest man and good with a gun. But I also heard you confessed to weakness for liquor, cards and women. Walter 'Yukon' Burns: Not women, your Honor. They ain't for the weak. Daisy Fisher: What is this, a hotel or a nursery? Alicia Chadwick: A baby was just born here, thanks to Jim. Daisy Fisher: Congratulations... Jim Fallon: What do you mean "thanks to Jim"? Daisy Fisher: I'd better get out of here. It might be catching. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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