Tension (1950)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  
  • 片       名Tension
  • 上映时间1950年01月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 John Berry


  • Mrs. Claire Quimby: I've got what I'm looking for and I'm gonna grab it while I've got the chance. A real man. There's nothing to talk about. It was different in San Diego - you were kind of cute in your uniform. You were full of laughs then. Well, you're all laughed out now. Police Lt. Collier Bonnabel: I work on people - suspects. Play up to their strengths, pour it on their weaknesses. You know, I only know one way, one thing that breaks 'em wide open - tension. Cop outside Quimby's cell: Where's the gun Quimby? < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • b>Warren Quimby: Where's the gun? Why don't you ask my wife? Barney Deager was her friend, not mine. She was at his house, not me. Why don't you ask her? Maybe she'll tell you that too. Go on, ask her!, ask her!, ask her! Mrs. Claire Quimby: Why don't you save that for the cops? Warren Quimby: Let them come, I've got nothing to hide, I'll tell them the truth. Mrs. Claire Quimby: Fine, fine - and what's the truth? Tell that you hated Barney Deager? To tell 'em that you hated Barney Deager so much you could have killed him? Why don't you tell 'em that he kicked you off the place? That he beat ya up? Tell 'em that he stole your wife. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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