
黄昏大道 (1949) 6.8


1951-01-11(意大利)| 冒险| 美国
上映时间:1951-01-11(意大利) 类型: 冒险
评分: 力荐

Newspaperman Royer convinces government officials of a plan to obtain rubber by stealing it out from under the Japanese. Carnahan is let out...更多>


John Royer: You have to remember, this guy's a German. Carnaghan: Yeah, but he's a greedy man, and greed has a nationality all its own. John Royer: [offering boiled coffee to his uninvited guest] My butler got drafted, my Jap boy's interned. Kellar: Terrible war. John Royer: Sure is.


John Royer


: Carnaghan, this is Kellar, a government agent. Anything you say he knows already. Carnaghan: [on the Dutchman] He looks like the moon in a pail o' beer. Carnaghan: I'm a big broth of a man, buddy, just leave it all to me. The Dutchman: There's always been wars, this is another. Carnaghan: [on Col. Tomura] I don't care if he's a Jap, I can do business with anybody. The Dutchman: You'd better let me do the talking. Probably the only thing standing between you and eternity is my vocabulary. Carnaghan: A man can't belong to the world, it's too big, and every night it dies. The Dutchman: [to his pet cockatoo] One day in your seed will be cyanide, and you'll stop laughing for the rest of time. The Dutchman: It's an inexplicable world.


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