Nob Hill (1945)

  • 美国
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  • 经典
Nob Hill
  • 片       名Nob Hill
  • 上映时间1945年06月13日(美国)
  • 导       演 亨利·哈撒韦


  • advertisement Sally Templeton: I know where I belong, and it's not on Snob Hill. Tony Angelo: They're a bunch of no-good, stiff-necked snobs who think that the Almighty took time out to put extra blueing in their veins. Sally Templeton: Is that so strange, that anybody should love a stupid, over-dressed, honest dope like Tony? Tony Angelo: The dames below got their tricks and the ones up here got theirs. And I'm beginning to get a little suspicious about you, Shamrock. Harriet Carruthers: I thought you were the one angel who wasn't afraid to tread anywhere. Tony Angelo: Tomorrow's Sunday, and the joint's closed, so we start tomorrow. What do you want to do? Katie Flanagan: Go to church. Tony Angelo: Huh? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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