史格芬顿先生 (1944)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 爱情
  • 片       名史格芬顿先生
  • 上映时间1944年05月25日(美国)
  • 导       演 文森特·舒曼


  • Job Skeffington: A woman is beautiful when she's loved, and only then. Fanny Trellis Skeffington: Nonsense. A woman is beautiful when she has eight hours' sleep and goes to the beauty parlor every day. And bone structure has a lot to do with it too. Dr. Byles: You are one of a vast army of silly women. Capital "S," capital "W." [first lines] Jim Conderley: Good evening, Soames! Soames: Good evening, Mr. Conderley. Jim Conderley: Afraid I'm a little early, aren't I? Soames: Miss Trellis wasn't expecting anyone till 8 o'clock. Jim Conderley: Well, I thought I'd come a little ahead of time; have a little chat with Miss Fanny. Soames: Sorry, sir; she's still dressing. Jim Conderley: All right, I'll wait. [last lines] Fanny Skeffington: Manby, would you call Janie Clarkson and tell her I can't possibly see her for lunch today? Manby: [laughing] Yes, Mrs. Skeffington. Trippy Trellis: [interrupting Mr. Skeffington] Oh, now I'm about to be challenged. He's gonna throw his cheque book in my face! Trippy Trellis: [moments later] If Skeffington's a gentleman, then a swine is what I want to be. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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