Ghosts on the Loose (1943)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  恐怖
  • 片       名Ghosts on the L...
  • 上映时间1943年07月30日
  • 导       演 威廉·博丁
  • 又       名Ghosts on the Loose
  • 编       剧 Kenneth Hi...
  • 剧       情
    Glimpy's surprisingly beautiful sister is getting married to Jack, a young engineer, and moving to a 'bargain' suburban house neither has ev...


  • Glimpy: Hey, why can't I sing in da quartet? I used to sing in a quartet wit' six members! Scruno: [whispering] Mister, you dropped your flowers, [normal tone] Scruno: I guess he didn't hear me. Mugs: [reading the card on the wreath of flowers the boys brought in] 'We didn't mean to shoot you Louie, honest'. You stole a dead guy's flowers? Don't you know that sacrelilious? Put them back... hold it, I guess it wouldn't be any more sacrelilious to put them back after the ceremony. Mugs: [to Glimpy] Any normal person can get normal measles, but you gotta pick a fight with a Nazi and get German measles. [Glimpy's face is covered in Swastikas] Mugs: [to the quartet] Now remember your crescendos and your de-u-endos. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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