Don't Talk (1942)

  • 美国
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  • 短片
Don't Talk
  • 片       名Don't Talk
  • 上映时间1942年02月28日(美国)
  • 导       演 Joseph M. ...
  • 又       名Don't Talk
  • 编       剧 Alan Fried...


  • advertisement [first lines] MGM Crime Reporter: Once again, as the MGM crime reporter, it is my privilege to bring you another episode in our Crime Does Not Pay series. For obvious reasons, the events and characters depicted herein are fictitious. My I present Mr. Jack Sampson, special agent in charge of a field division office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI Agent Jack Sampson: Our war program, the most unprecedented in history, calls not only for the production of tanks and guns, planes and ships, but also for the building of a defense against enemy agents within our borders, agents who once again threaten, as they did in Let us review a typical cast that began in the early morning hours of November 29th, 1941, in a large industrial plant, where a quantity of ferro-manganese, an ore vitally essential in the manufacture of machine tools, was awaiting the furnace... [last lines] FBI Agent Jack Sampson: Your president has said this war will be won by industrial production. To speed this victory, wartime industry is now protected by every precaution your government's vigilance can effect. You, the citizenry of America, constitute the first line of industrial defense. Be on guard. Build a wall of silence around your business, your activities. And at all times exercise the caution of thinking twice before talking once. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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