
法网惊魂 (1939) 7.3

Each Dawn I Die

1939-07-22(美国)| 惊悚 犯罪| 美国
上映时间:1939-07-22(美国) 类型: 惊悚 犯罪
评分: 力荐

Although innocent, reporter Frank Ross is found guilty of murder and is sent to jail. While his friends at the newspaper try to find out who...更多>


Frank Ross: I'll get out if I hafta kill every screw in the joint! 'Hood' Stacey: So, how tough are you, babe? Convict Fargo Red: Into the hole he goes. 'Hood' Stacey: Okay, canary, start singin'! 'Hood' Stacey: Ain't there a rule against talking in this young ladies riding academy? Frank Ross: An army couldn't get you out of that courthouse. A lot of guys have tried it and they've all been buried. 'Hood' Stacey: You're the only guy I ever met that gave me a break without putting the bee on me for dough. Joyce Conover: You're a blind, stupid, selfish, contemptible, tinhorn crook. 'Hood' Stacey: Imagine Stacey workin' for the cops? That's a hot one. 'Hood' Stacey: Wait a minute! What do I gotta do, fight my way back in? Frank Ross: I don't love life much, but I don't hate it enough to stick my head in front of a screw's bullet.


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