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Mr. Moto in Danger Island

Mr. Moto in Danger Island (1939) 7.0

1939-04-07(美国)| 犯罪 灾难 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1939-04-07(美国) 类型: 犯罪 灾难 惊悚
评分: 力荐


advertisement Twister McGurk: It's not the heat, it's the humility. Kentaro Moto: [noticing the intercom is switched on] Is this a private conversation or are we broadcasting? Twister McGurk: Hey, Mr. Moto! Indemnify me for these mugs! Kentaro Moto: Please release him, Colonel. He is my assistant... self-appointed. Kentaro Moto: The art of professional wrestling consists of two parts groan, two parts acting, and but one little part of skill. Twister McGurk: [amazed by Moto's martial arts abilities] If you was a pro, I could never get to be world champion. Kentaro Moto: You may depend on me retaining my amateur status. Twister McGurk: [in awe of judo techniques] Hey, I've seen everything, but a little shrimp like you throwing The Sailor gets me! Kentaro Moto: What I've used is simple, but it has served me well on many occasions. Capt. Dahlen: [as Moto lays in pain on a gurney] Well, Mr. Moto, you picked a bad time to get afflicted. Kentaro Moto: [Marr sadistically presses his foot on Moto's appendix] Unfortunately we cannot select a time for our afflictions. Mr. Sutter: [referring to the mysterious Puerto Rican swampland] You see, it isn't just ghosts you have to contend with but the suspicions of a dangerously ignorant people. Kentaro Moto: [to Twister] You can obtain the confidence of criminals when one is branded a criminal. Kentaro Moto: You've been a great help, and I want to thank you. Twister McGurk: I wanna thank you too, pal. That hold yuh showed me I'm gonna keep in my wretlin' "prepatory."

Mr. Moto in Danger Island

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