Peace on Earth (1939)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动画  短片
  • 片       名Peace on Earth
  • 上映时间1939年12月09日
  • 导       演 Hugh Harma...
  • 又       名Peace on Earth




  • advertisement Grandpa Squirrel: Good will to men, yes, good will to men. Baby Squirrel 1: What are men, Grandpa? Baby Squirrel 2: Yeah, Grandpa, what are men? Grandpa Squirrel: Huh? What's that?... Well there ain't no men in the world no more, sonnys... nope, no more men. But as I remember the critters, well they was like monsters. They wore these big metal pots on their heads. They walked on their hind legs, and they carried terrible-looking shootin' irons with knives in the end of them. Their eyes gleamed, and they had these tremendous big snoots, like this, that curled down and fastened down to their stomachs. Baby Squirrel 1: Gee! I'm glad there ain't no more men around. Baby Squirrel 2: Me too. Grandpa Squirrel: It was awful. It was terrible. Why, they fought and they fought and they fought, until... until there was only two of them left. [each soldier shoots the other and goes down] Grandpa Squirrel: And that was the end of the last man on Earth. Grandpa Squirrel: I asked, "What does that mean, Mr. Owl?" and Mr. Owl says, "Thou shalt not kill... hmm, looks like a mighty good book of rules, but I guess them men didn't pay much attention to it." Grandpa Squirrel: You know, I never could figure those varmints out. They was the horneriest, cussinest, most dag-blasted tribe of varmits you ever saw. They was always a-fightin' and a-feudin' and a-shootin' each other. If it wasn't one darn thing, it was another. No sooner did they settle one argument, that they find something else to fuss about. And when they couldn't find what else to fight over, the flat-footed people started shooting at the buck-tooth people, and the vegetarians started figthing the meat-eating people, and you couldn't make heads or tails of it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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